This Agreement (“Agreement”) is made effective by and between Milk It Academy Pty Ltd (ACN 143 106 898) (the “Company”), and purchaser of the digital course (hereafter “Student”), for the purpose of Student purchasing a digital course from MI Academy’s curated online learning platform (the “eSchool”).  


We prefer to keep things light and so in this Agreement the Company will be referred to as “We”, “Us”, “Our”, and “MI Academy”. Likewise, we will refer to students as “You”, “Your” and “Student”. 

eSchool - eSchool is the title of the digital learning management system in which the Course is hosted.  
Course -  Refers to the specific learning product that you have either purchased or have been granted a free preview of. 
Personale - Refers to the colleagues, employees, subcontractors or advisors of the Student 


Intellectual Property – All material course material, including but not limited to, videos, downloads and promotional material is intellectual property and protected by copyright.  

You agree to the terms and conditions below by checking the box in the online shopping cart checkout or by submitting payment for the Course. 


1. Digital Course Usage  

After purchasing the digital Course, You will be given access to the course materials within [48 hours] through a download delivered to Your provided email. You will have lifetime access to the materials so long as the courses) is/are available.   
MI Academy hereby grants to You one (1) non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, license to use the Course for your personal learning. You understand and agree that Your Course access (password access details) may not be shared with any third party, including Personale from Your business. In the event We suspect that the Course is being shared with another party, We reserve the right to immediately terminate Your access to the Course. The only exception to this Clause being the sharing of learning material with Personale, as suggested by Your Course trainer and outlined in Clause 6. 

2. Fees & Payment Processing  
All successful payments made through the eSchool are subject to a Stripe payment processing fee of 1.75% + $0.30 for domestic cards. In consideration for access to the Course provided by MI Academy, You agree to compensate Us the Stripe payment processing fee indicated on the online shopping cart.  
If any payment methods are declined by the online payment processor, You shall provide a new eligible payment method before receiving access to the Course. In the event You have already been given access to the Course and a payment method is declined, Company reserves the right to collect any and all outstanding receivables. 

3. Refund Policy  
Due to the nature of digital products being immediately accessible upon purchasing, refunds of any fees or other amounts paid by You in connection with the Course will only be permitted under the obligations of Australian Consumer Law.  

4. Service Agreements  

MI Academy will provide access to the Course using Thinkific - a hosted Learning Management System. In accordance with Thinkific’s Support and Service Level Agreement, the platform will use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain 99.5% server uptime. In the instance of a service update and maintenance interruption, MI Academy will provide prior notice to all Students where reasonably possible.  

5. Personal Information 
By purchasing the Course, You will be asked to provide personal information including Your name, email address, phone number, billing address and company name. You agree to allow MI Academy to access this personal information for all lawful purposes.  
To deliver your Course, you agree to be subscribed to our to our mailing list. However, once the course has been received you may unsubscribe at any time you desire.   
When You purchase a Course, we will be asking for your personal information. We need this to deliver your Course and send you content to elevate your learning experience. You agree that we will handle all personal information we receive from You in accordance with our privacy policy and will not share your information with any third-party providers.  
The billing information provided to MI Academy by You will be kept secure and is subject to the same confidentiality and accuracy requirements as Your identifying information indicated above. Providing false or inaccurate information, or using the Course for fraud or unlawful activity, is grounds for immediate termination from the Course. 

6. Intellectual Property Rights  


You acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights, including but not limited to videos, templates, downloadable assets and any other proprietary rights, associated with the Course shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the MI Academy. 

Due to the nature of MI Academy’s unique project-based training approach, it will be suggested throughout the courses that you can share downloadable templates, checklists and Standard Operating Procedures within your team and broader organisation with the purpose of embedding your learnings. By agreeing to these terms, you agree to strictly limit any modification, distribution or display of Our intellectual property within your organisation and related Personale.   

7. Warranties and Liability  
MI Academy makes every effort to ensure that the Course is accurate and fit for the use of Our customers. However, We take no responsibility whatsoever for the suitability of the Course, and provide no warranties as to the function or use of the Course, whether express or implied, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. You agree to indemnify MI Academy against all liabilities, claims, demands, expenses, actions, costs, damages, or loss arising out of Your breach of these terms and conditions.  
MI Academy shall not be liable to You or any third party for consequential, indirect, special or exemplary damages including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, business or anticipated benefits whether arising under tort, contract, negligence or otherwise whether or not foreseen, reasonably foreseeable or advised of the possibility of such damages.  

8. Force Majeure 
If the performance of this Agreement or any obligations hereunder is prevented, restricted or interfered with by reason of earthquake, fire, flood or other casualty or due to strikes, riot, storms, explosions, acts of God, death of him/them/herself or a family member, war, terrorism, pandemic or a similar occurrence or condition beyond the reasonable control of the parties, the party so affected shall, upon giving prompt notice to the other party, be excused from such performance during such prevention, restriction or interference, and any failure or delay resulting therefrom shall not be considered a breach of this Agreement. 

9. Guarantees  
We do not make any guarantees as to the results, including financial or other personal gains, of Your use of the Course. You agree to take responsibility for Your own results with regard to taking the Course. 

We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money.   

The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all businesses. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner. 

Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors.   


10. Release & Reasonable Expectations  
You have spent a satisfactory amount of time reviewing Our business and have a reasonable expectation that our Course will produce different outcomes and results for each business. You understand and agrees that:  
▪ Every Student and final result in taking the Course is different; 
▪ The Course is intended for a mass audience. 

11. Entire Agreement 

This is a binding Agreement that incorporates the entire understanding of the parties, supersedes any other written or oral agreements between the parties, and any modifications must be in writing, signed by both parties, and physically attached to the original agreement. 

12. Venue and Jurisdiction 

This Agreement will be governed by the laws of Victoria Australia, and any dispute will be resolved in the Victorian courts or tribunals;  



13. Mediation and Arbitration  
In the event of a dispute, the parties agree to engage an independent mediator to try to resolve the matter in good faith. If unsuccessful, this agreement will be governed by the laws of Victoria Australia, and any dispute will be resolved in Victorian courts or tribunals.  

14. Transfer  
This agreement cannot be transferred or assigned to any third party without the written consent of both parties. 

 15. Severability 
In the event that any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable. Any failure by one or both parties to enforce a provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other portion or provision of this agreement.