Change your brain, change your life.

Studies show 98% of five-year-olds have a genius level of creative problem solving. But by adulthood, this figure falls to only 2%… what a tragedy!

Imagine if just 10% of the world got back to their true level of creative genius. Or 20%… Or… 50%. Or… 98%!

Course curriculum

    1. 1.0 Introduction

    2. 1.1 Understanding the Importance of Creativity to Humans

    3. 1.2 Exploring the Relationship Between Creativity and Innovation

    4. 1.3 Assessing Your Current Creative Mindset and Identifying Areas for Growth

    1. 2.0 Introduction

    2. 2.1 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

    3. 2.2 Divergent Thinking Techniques to Generate a Range of Ideas

    4. 2.3 Convergent Thinking Methods for Evaluating and Refining Ideas

    1. 3.0 Introduction

    2. 3.1 Strategies for Fostering a Culture of Innovation Within Organisations

    3. 3.2 Creating an Environment That Encourages Risk-Taking and Experimentation

    4. 3.3 Effective Leadership for Supporting and Nurturing Creativity in Teams

    1. 4.0 Introduction

    2. 4.1 Empathy, Mindfulness and the Importance of Gratitude in Business

    3. 4.2 Ensuring Good Mental Health for Your Staff

    4. 4.3 Why Laughter is a Sign of an Innovative Culture

    1. 5.0 Introduction

    2. 5.1 Leveraging Diversity for Creative Collaboration

    3. 5.2 Getting Out of the Comfort Zone

    4. 5.3 Turning Ideas into Reality

    1. 6.0 Introduction

    2. 6.1 Developing an Innovation Roadmap For Your Organisation

    3. 6.2 Overcoming Barriers of Resistance

About this course

  • $480.00

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Created by Russel Howcroft and Alex Wadelton, The Right-Brain Workout workshop has helped hundreds of teams change the way they think about thinking.

  • You feel as though you have untapped creative potential, but don't know where to start with unleashing it.

  • You want to develop innovative problem-solving skills.

  • You want to learn how to embrace out-of-the-box thinking to drive leadership development, team building, and overall business success.